Income Calculator
Set a budget, create a balance sheet and monitor all of your credit cards and bank accounts in one place.
budget icon
The budget feature allows you to define biweekly, monthly, weekly income and expenses.
calendar icon
The calendar gives you a monthly summary of your income and expenses.
The Balance Sheet Tracks
  • Loans
  • Credit Cards
  • Equities: public and private
  • Checking Accounts
  • Savings Accounts
  • Credit Cards
  • US Treasury Bills
  • Tangible Property
Bank Integration
The bank integration provides real-time credit card, checking and savings account balances for your balance sheet. The bank integration supports 9,600 financial institutions. We use Plaid to connect to your bank allowing us to access account data from large or small banks.
Your data will never be sold to third parties and can be downloaded at anytime in JSON format.
Privacy and Security
Protecting your financial data from unauthorized access is a top priority. Here are the steps we take to protect your financial data.
  • Your data is encrypted with Amazon Web Services KMS.
  • All connections are SSL encrypted with a certificate from Amazon Web Services
  • Amazon Web Services Cognito is used for authentication with multi-factor authentication required
  • Our software never has direct access to your bank's username and password. Our bank integrations are built with a well known and trusted third party Plaid which manages the bank login process ensuring it's secure.
person typing on tablet